July 4th

 July 4th

So sorry for not posting for a bit.  Chelsea and I spent about 3 weeks over in Europe for our 10th Anniversary and visiting family over there.   Here are a couple of pics.

For more pics from out trip to New York, Ireland, France, and England, visit our facebook pages.

So as you can probably guess by the date, we have missed our intended target date of having the lake house ready for rental by the July 4th holiday.

That's ok.  We got to spend the time here with friends and family and got to show off all the great progress we have made so far.

We had tons of excellent food and shot off fireworks from the dock.  The kids went nuts and had a blast.  And from the top of our 2 story dock you can see all the other individual and town celebrations going off all around the lake.  It was wonderful.  Here are some photos to share.
