Labor Day

You ever just have one of those weekends where you are just like...uggg?  The week has been hectic.....ugg.  The kids are wearing me out.....uggg.  And I am so super tired....uggg.
Us Too!!!
But thankfully it wasn't this weekend.
Wow! We got so super much done this weekend.
Take a look below.
Here are the updated entry way pictures with the new doors now in place and the top and bottom trims being painted, well primed.

Here is one of the bedroom doors, also with the new door finally up.  Baseboard priming going on here too.

And here is the new table again.  But with some new chairs.  Our great neighbor down the street got some new chairs and donated his old ones to us.  Wow.  Thank you Breedloves.

I am super exhausted.  But also at the same time getting excited seeing the place coming together like this.  Well back to work.  Hope to see ya real soon.

