
I thought it would be fun to have.......STAT-urday because it's Saturday. HaHa. Silly.  Anyways here are some fun stats on our STR (short-term rental) and website.  First have to call it a STR now because AIRBNB is like calling tissue, Kleenex.  Because we are now listed on many more rental websites, we are no longer an airbnb but a STR. whatever. anyway.  So now. On with the FUN.

Remember. This is only about 6 months in.  We started renting out to the public in March of this year.


So far......Our furthest visitors have been from England & India. 

Bath, England
Go Bath Rugby!


Vellore Tamil Nadu India
Olympic champions!

Pretty neat.
Here is the link if you want to explore the map of our guests to date.  Add your city by booking NOW!

We have had the pleasure of hosting 28 separate groups of families, friends, and co-workers at our little hacienda.

With a total of 20 - 5 STAR reviewsNothing less than 5 stars.  Awesome!  Now, why those other 8 didn't bother to leave a review, I don't know, I guess people are busy.


On the Chilcottage website - Not too shabby.

19694 views as of 9/28/2024

with an average since March 1st of 1,250 views per month.

Top Countries with visits to our website

United States        8.59K
Germany               815
Netherlands          704
France                   655
United Kingdom   511
Sweden                 434
Other                    8.02K

Facebook page

Not looking so hot.
26 likes. 29 followers. 2 reviews. 1 mention.
Geez. you guys. help us out here.

Page overview
Last 28 days

Post engagement 102
New Page likes 2
New Page Followers 2
Reactions 11
Comments 0
Shares 4
Photo views 30
Link clicks 2

like and follow our page.
because its gonna take ALL of us working together to make me RICH.
haha. jokes.

Airbnb website

Average daily views of our house = 11
Highest views in 1 day = 80

Our most sought after day was the day of the eclipse.  I think it was March 8th. We had that day booked the week we first launched for rentals to the public.  Then we even had 2 other inquiries saying they would pay more if we cancelled on the people that had the reservation. Geez.

reservations thru airbnb website - 26
reservations thru vrbo - 2
reservations thru other websites - none

This is probably because we started first on AIRBNB.  Only been on VRBO and others about 2 months.


Total from all of our sales links

T-Shirts - 6 (half to me)
Stickers - 2
I am uploading more designs today
(2 NEW Lake Tawakoni shirts are NOW online)

Need some SWAG? Wanna support us? Click here


Google ADSense - $1.29
Thank the lord, I can retire soon on this!
All other Ads - Zero

If you have a website.  I will happily cross-promote you for FREE.  You just got to do the same on yours.  Hit us up.
Just don't be anything political, weird, or gross. Please.


I know this one is the one you are most likely curious about.  We know another neighbor on the lake that also does STR (airbnb. remember?) and he said that "We missed the AIRBNB goldmine"
He said that he was booked 75% of the year during COVID.  And he was charging A LOT.
If you are looking to get into the STR game, be cautious.
It is A LOT of work. We have invested a lot of time and money into this venture.
Luckily, we were not counting on it as a source of income.  We bought this place for our family to enjoy and when we weren't there, to rent it out so others could enjoy it too, and to help out with the additional mortgage.

Booking (Since March 2024)

Booking rate of 30.4%
Mainly weekends.  We have had several rentals from companies doing work in the area.  They have rented out the place for extended periods of time including weekdays.  We didn't know this was a thing.  It's far cheaper for them to get a STR for their crew than get individual hotel rooms for everybody.  If you got a crew and need a place.  Hey, we are here for you.  These guys have been super clean, super nice, followed all the rules, and left the place great.  (Probably fearful of their boss getting onto them or getting fired - hehe)

Average night stay per booking = 3.0

Six Month Revenue Before Taxes = a little over 1K per month
Almost enough to cover the mortgage.  But we ain't getting rich by any means.

So that's it.  You got any other STATS you are interested in, email us or contact us and let us know.  We will do another STAT-URDAY update 1 year in, coming up in March of 2025.  In the mean time, book your next stay, buy our swag, mention us, like us, and all that jazz.  We are sooooo needy huh?

